
Activity of Skiff

Skiff's birth

The development of scouting in Ukraine



Chat "Pathfinder"



Scouting - is a method of education of young people, which was founded by Robert Baden-Pauell. This methodology of educating is all around the world - and this fact tells about its efficacy. "Skiff" has similar scouting programs as any scouting organization, but with some peculiarity. Read below about the way "Skiff" works and its traditions.

Scouting is a program which tries to educate harmonically physical, spiritual and inner world of a child. Combining and improving all these spheres of a child - is the main task of a scouting. It is not easy to do! Those who teach must be very careful, because they work with young physiology of a kids. To do this easier leader often uses games. To tell the truth, scouting - is a big game. A game can model different situations that a child can learn, understand or overcome better than in a real life. Also game can hyperbolize this situation and make them more noticeable. And the last: game can teach many things, which child wouldn't accept from, for example, parents or teachers - this is one of peculiarity of a children's psychology. That is why game very important in scouting.


"Skiff" tries to educate through games too. There are spot, role, forest games etc. Except games "Skiff" provides hiking tours, charity parties, trips abroad, lots of different competitions, camps.
Each camp of ADS "Skiff" is devoted to special subject. For example, one of aims of the camp "Djerelo-99" was to acquaint all participants with the main existing religions, as well as their histories and tasks. Along with the acquaintance there were activities, such as medicine, knots, psychology, walking tours. Scouts played different games, which helped them to learn material better. Also "Skiff" often organizes trips to Crimea (south of Ukraine), Carpathian mountings.

One of the most interesting parts of scouting is an international tour. "Skiff" has many friends abroad - they are Norwegian from Langhus, German, English, French scouts. There were many camps with them in Ukraine and in theirs countries. In 2001 there was an international camp "Djerelo - 2001" with Norwegian and English scouts near Orel - river in Ukraine. It was great! One of the first international camps, which scouts of "Skiff" visited, was an International Jamboree in 1995 in Holland.

Scouts had some big actions in Dniepropetrovsk. For example, children have presented amateur theatrical performances and handmade gifts to the 6th city hospital and children's home "Topolyok". We also organized special camp on the river Orel together with children from the boarding school for disable. Time after time scouts visit museums, theaters, and organ hall. There are subject nights and meetings with interesting people, etc. Scouts with big pleasure take part in various holidays (such as New Year, Mary Christmas, BP birth etc) and in different festivals (the Day of Dniepropetrovsk, CVN). So, this is not all what scouts of "Skiff" do, but this is a big part of it.

And now some word about our system of work.

As in any country everyone can join to scout organization. "Skiff" supports this tradition too, but mostly members of our club are 7 - 17 years old. This is quite big diapason that is why all this children are divided on 3 main groups:

  • Cub-scouts (7-10)
  • Scouts (11-15)
  • Rovers (16 and older)

From 5 to 8 scouts is a patrol. Members of this patrol are the same age- this helps them act better, because they have similar problems and wishes. Each patrol has a patrol leader - one of the members of this patrol. The main task of this scout is to organize work in a patrol, contact members of other patrols etc. Of course there is a leader (18 years or elder) who is a member of the organization not less then for a 1 year. He also must be recommended as a responsible person. This man helps patrol in different situations, looks for them, gives advices etc. 2 or 4 patrols are a detachment. Scouts in detachments are the same age and have the same scout level. Patrol's meeting takes place once a week (or more). In this meeting scouts decide theirs problems, prepare something etc. They are working together in various programs, learn something - there are lot of things to do!
Энтони, глава Langhus Scout Troop №1, посвящает в роверы Of course, the new one can't became scout in a moment - he must pass a special program. This program consists of different tests - such as learning of scouts' songs, basic forest's skills, history of scouting and scouts laws. During learning these tests members of his future patrol helps and learn his character. It is very important to know a new one well before making him a member of a patrol. Leader helps him too if this is necessary. After passing these tests successfully this child receive a recommendation of a patrol members and a leader. Only after that he can be accessed to Acceptance ceremony. Than the new one became a scout with right to wear scout's uniform, have an organization's badges and signs. Depending on the age of a new scout he can take a scout level proving and tests. These levels are pathfinder (11-14 years old) or a searcher (14-16). Tests and special programs are offered to each stage. Having passed this tests scout can go to another stage.

There are also wolf packs (from 7 till 11). Wolfe has similar programs but this programs and tests are easier than scouts'. Packs have their leaders, which organize work with them on meetings. Their works consists of telling stories, games, competitions, learning songs etc.

The oldest scouts - rovers - are organized in detachment "Beaver". Rovers haven't tests or programs, but they prepare personal or group project. These projects can touch social and club life or help scouts and packs, organize different trips to mountains etc. One of the tasks of rovers is to help leaders. Many of rovers are leaders of scouts' troops and wolf packs. Besides the main level - programs there are professional some. Everyone can have these professions, but it is require proving of his skill. There are 12 professions such as cooker, interpreter, programmer, friend of animals etc. Having passed the program one is presented with a special badge.

So, this is shortly about system of our work, our activities and ways of working. All these programs, tests, proving are the system and method of "Skiff" work.

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