
Activity of Skiff

Skiff's birth

The development of scouting in Ukraine



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On this page you can read a story about Skiff's birth, who and how organized this scout troop.

When Ukraine became independent in 1991 many things should be changed. Before 1991 Ukraine there was only one youth organization - pioneers. This organization took lot of things from scouting (scarf, signs), but scouting was forbidden for over 55 years in USSR including Ukraine. This pioneer organization was a governmental. One of the reason why lots of children left pioneers organization is governmental programs - it was a political organizations and authority paid much attention to political actions which not often were interesting to children. So, this organization and its program were not for children, but for the government. When Ukraine got its sovereignty the new youth organization should be instead old. It was really important because youth didn't know what to do - they became selfish in this new country.


People who worked with children in tourism, bard songs, poetry and different creative activities (trainers, hiking instructors etc.,) felt first that something should be new instead pioneer organization. It was really necessary to reorganize forms of education and to propose new "fresh" ideas. And this idea was scouting as a universal system of educating children with long history.

One of the first teenage hiking clubs who interested in scouting method were "Abris" and "IAK". This two clubs decided to start scout troop, but they couldn't find any information about scouts - to find this information was really a problem. One of the pioneer's leaders in Dniepropetrovsk had only one copy of a book about scouting, which was written by professor Preobragensky in 1916.

Sergey Belyaev who worked in Pioneer's Palace organized several presentations about scouting, but suddenly he left to Crimea (south of Ukraine) where he has founded a scout group. Members of hiking club "Abris" in February 1992 Nadyegda Melnichuk, Yuriy Galitskty and Victor Goghulinsky met at the birthday party of Baden - Pauell in Moscow (Russia). The humanitarian help from Germany for children's hospitals was guided by BRD scouts (Germany). During this meeting were got a lot of necessary and important information. Nadyegda, Viktor and Yuriy could get some material from Russian scouts. So, in such way important information was got and this was the beginning of ADS "Skiff".

Brotherhood "Skiff" was founded during the conference by hike instructors and the young members of the hiking club "Abris" and "IAK" in 10th of March. Scherbakova Valentina, Melnichuk Nadyegda, Norilove Elena, Galitsky Juriy, Beriozka Olya, Kalinovsky Vladimir, Balaban Lilya, Kursova Lesya and Goghulinsky Victor were among them. At that conference was chosen th First President of "Skiff" - Victor Goghulinsky.

The life of "Skiff" has began. At the end of a March the first scout camp took place in Crimea. The flag, games, reports, patrols, etc. were the only difference from the usual hiking tour.

Then were first camps in forest, for example "Priary" near base, the head of which is honorable friend of "Skiff". In 1993 the delegation for the WUSMO headed by Jaukline Jaundra, visited Dniepropetrovsk. This was a beginning of "Skiff" international relationship. After a few months the international training for scout's leadership held in Kiev, which was organized by French scouts.

Now "Skiff" has a lot of friends from Norway, Germany, France, and England. There were several camps with Norwegian, English scouts.

Day-by-day, month-by-month "Skiff" has been transporting into real youth organization, which has its own traditions, teaching programs, international relations and personal-training system.

In 2005 was organization ADS 'SKIFF' divided on several independent organizations. Majority of scout leaders get together with blessing from Viktor Gogulinskij, the first president, and established 'Dnipropetrovsk regional public organization for children and youth 'SKIFF PLUS' under the leadership of Anna Gogulinskaja. Exactly this organization is a follower of former ADS 'SKIFF', which was working from 1992 and leaded by Viktor Gogulinskij, Nadja Melnichuk and Uljana Roshko.

After the split and re-registration of ADS 'SKIFF', organization 'SKIFF PLUS' do not have any relation to and is not responsible for consequences of work of Dnipropetrovsk regional public organization for children 'Ads Skiff', which was registered in 2005 and headed by Yurij Galezkij. If you wish to get more detailed information about the split in organizations and read more explanations in 'Speech to all scout organizations', send your request to skiffplus@ua.fm

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